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Dispelling the Myths: What the Research Says About Teacher Professional Learning

Many commonly held beliefs about teacher professional learning are not supported by research. Our research brief dispels those myths and delivers some truths about effective teacher development.

By Heather Hill, PhD, John Papay, EdD, Nate Schwartz, PhD

This brief evaluates common claims about professional learning against the research evidence, including a half-dozen recent research reviews and a series of newer, rigorously conducted studies of teacher professional learning programs. We aim to distinguish fact from fiction about professional learning, and to help ensure that all teachers and students receive the learning opportunities they deserve.

Our examination of the research found that, too often, commonly held beliefs about professional learning were not supported by research findings. We noted anecdotal perceptions that did not stand up to scientific study and identified shared understandings of what does and does not work in professional learning that were based on an earlier generation of research.

We must continue to ask more practical and practice-based research questions and make room for the kinds of rigorous research that will help us design more meaningful professional learning opportunities. Only through this sort of collaborative work can we strengthen our collective knowledge base and better serve our nation’s students.

RPPL’s RESEARCH BRIEF ON “Dispelling the Myths”
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