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Brown Bag: The Instructional Materials and Professional Development (IMPD) Network – Our Next Phase of Work: SEAs Supporting Districts in Skillful Implementation of High-Quality Instructional Materials (HQIM) (1/17/23)

Catch up with the recording and slides from RPPL’s January 2023 Brown Bag where CCSSO discusses challenges states face while implementing HQIM.

By Joanne Weiss and Leslie Hesketh | CCSSO

The Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) supports a network of 14 states as each develops and implements strategies to significantly increase the skillful use of standards-aligned, high-quality instructional materials in classrooms across their states. This includes dramatically increasing districts’ selection and use of high-quality materials, ensuring that ongoing educator PD is connected to skillful implementation of these materials, and encouraging educator preparation programs to support aspiring educators in the effective use of high-quality materials. To date, many states have made significant gains in supporting their districts in selecting HQIM –and all are now faced with effectively supporting high-quality professional learning (HQPL) connected to these materials. The field knows little about how to incentivize access to and assure the quality of PL district-wide (much less statewide) scale – yet this is the challenge facing states. CCSSO will talk through some of the most pressing issues states are wrestling with as they navigate implementation of HQIM; all thoughts and feedback are welcome.

Session Slides

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