PL Researchers and Organizations: Apply to Join the RPPL Network by March 7!

Research Partnership for Professional Learning

The home for Research Partnership for Professional Learning

Uniting the teacher professional learning field to improve student outcomes at scale.

Guaranteeing every student has a great education only happens when teachers have the learning, training, and support they need.
The Research Partnership for Professional Learning (RPPL) is a one-of-a-kind collaborative uniting professional learning (PL) organizations, researchers, school districts, and those impacted by PL through research-practice partnerships that advance professional learning in support of every student.

Male teacher helping high school students doing exercises in classroom
Two teachers, man and woman, standing at the front of a classroom in front of students. The woman is observing and coaching the man.
Nursery children playing with teacher in the classroom
A teacher helps students during a coding lesson at Sutton Middle School.
Pre-school teachers with laptop talking in kindergarten
Nursery children playing with teacher in the classroom

The RPPL Network

Our collaborative includes over 100 teacher professional learning organizations, researchers, funders, and district and school leaders working together to advance PL.

A Union of Professionals
BSCS Science Learning
City Teaching Alliance
English Learners Success Forum
Learning Forward
Read Works
Teaching Lab
Student Achievement Partners

Catch up on the latest news, resources, and efforts from across our network.