Catch up with the recording and slides from RPPL’s October 2022 Brown Bag on how professional learning can effectively enhance teacher growth and development.
In this session, Heather Hill & John Papay will discuss how professional learning can most effectively enhance teacher growth and development. RPPL Members will get a preview of Hill and Papay’s upcoming research brief, a follow-up to their Dispelling the Myths research brief from February. In this publication exploring “What Works in PL,” the authors will argue that how some PL delivery models operate – in particular, through collaboration, coaching, and follow-up – appear generative for teacher learning and sustained change. What gets covered in professional learning also appears to influence its success. The authors will also explore the broader question of why these program characteristics appear to be effective across programs and studies. The content of this upcoming brief lays the groundwork for a rich discussion among the RPPL ecosystem about which future studies would advance the field and benefit leaders and teachers the most.