Check out our new Emerging Insights publication!

Curriculum Mindset Study

This study is evaluating online exercises to enhance teachers’ use of curricula to support equitable learning environments.

This study focused on the effectiveness of the Shared Curriculum intervention, an online, evidence-based professional learning exercise developed by renowned social psychologist Dr. Jason Okonofua. By engaging teachers in reflective activities related to their teaching goals, the study sought to enhance curriculum use and promote equitable learning environments for students.

Delivered through a series of short, online exercises spread across a semester, the intervention invited teachers to share their perspectives and insights on their curriculum and values.

Results of the study are forthcoming.


  • Dr. Jason Okonofua
  • Dorothy Doolittle
  • Dr. Shaye Worthman
  • Tai Ingram

By Dr. Okonofua

Welcome Exercise


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