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RPPL: Theory of Action

Learn how the RPPL coalition’s efforts influence the broader education sector to drive equitable student outcomes.

If the RPPL coalition: 

  1. Creates the research vision for high-quality PL
  2. Sets a consensus-driven learning agenda around PL that includes diverse voices at different levels of the education system
  3. Facilitates partnerships to promote advancement of learning agenda
  4. Strengthens enabling conditions that support causal research at scale
  5. Generates actionable evidence about the design features of effective teacher PL to support equitable instructional practices
  6. Convenes our robust network to share evidence, action plan and guide practical application of learning

Then PL orgs, system leaders, & policy makers will: 

  1. Conduct rigorous and practical research
  2. Invest in more impactful PL 
  3. Apply evidence-based learnings and solutions to implement better PL

Then educators will: 

Engage in more evidence-based professional learning that transfers into stronger instructional practices and more equitable, rigorous, and joyful learning environments that close disproportionate student academic and developmental gaps. 

And all students, especially students who are Black, Latine, Indigenous, AAPI, ELs, those with disabilities, and those experiencing poverty:  

  1. Learn more 
  2. Experience increased engagement and wellbeing in safer, more rigorous learning environments 
  3. Flourish & thrive, ensuring more success in school and life